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[Linux] scp command Tutorial

Example: Examples Copy one single local file to a remote destination scp /path/to/source-file user@host:/path/to/destination-folder/ So, if you wan to copy the file  /home/user/table.csv  to a remote host named  and copy there to jane's home folder, use this command. scp /home/user/table.csv Copy one single file from a remote server to your current local server scp user@host:/path/to/source-file /path/to/destination-folder Let's say now you want to copy the same file from jane's home folder in  to your local home folder. scp /home/user/ Copy one single file from a remote server to another remote server With  scp  you can copy files between remote servers from a third server without the need to ssh into any of them, all weight lifting will be done by  scp  itself. scp user1@server1:/path/to/file user2@serve...
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[English] Regular Verbs - (ed) Ending.

Today I'am going to talk about how to pronounce the past tense of regular verbs. Regular verbs take the -ed ending in the past. When the final sound of the verb in infinitive form is an unvoiced consonant sound. Case 1: Unvoiced consonant ending -ed =[t] Then the -ed is also pronounced as an unvoiced consonant, and that is the tt, T sound. ex: Pack: [k] is unvoiced so we will talk packed So other unvoiced consonants : [p], [f], [s], [tf], [l], [0] Case 2 : Voiced consonant ending [v], [b], [g], th[e], [z], zd, rr, mm, nn, ng, ll. Then the -ed is also pronounced as an unvoiced consonant, and that is the dd, D sound. Case 3: Verbs ends in [t] or [d]

[java] So Sánh DFS và BFS trong thuật toán tìm kiếm

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[English] Should, Would, Could

In this American English pronunciation, we are going to talk about the pronunciation of should, would, could. There words all rhyme. The pronunciation is simpler than it looks, the "L" is silent. So they all have their beginning consonant, the UH as in BOOK vowel, and the D sound. Should, would, could, they rhyme with 'good', 'hood', and 'wood. Yes, 'would' and 'wood' are pronounced the same. they  are homophones. So this is pronunciation of these words is full. But, as you know, Americans like reduce less important words in a sentence to make the important words stand out more. And these are three words that can be reduced. As with the many reductions, we change the vowel to the schwa and speed up the word: should, would, could. you'll hear Americans go Even further though and drop. Let me give you some example: "Should we get dinner?"  One of the things I notice is that I'm dropping the D sound, "Shu...


Today, I want to talk with you about "meet", "meet with", or "meet up with", and this, in case you are wondering is the past tense of "meet". "know","meet","meet up with", and "meet with", and: What are the differences between those different words? Please see this example : "I knew Kien last week" -> "knew" is the past of "know" and "met" is the past of "meet" so: "I met up with Kien last week." Do you know what is difference between these sentences are? Are there ony ones that have a mistake in them or all these all good sentences? So take a moment and think about it. So let's first look at the difference between these two.  "meet" will be used in case the first time that two people are talking.  Thye don't know each other. We use "meet" when we're meeting somebody for the first time. We will use ...

[I learn English by myself] - SCHWA SOUND

    In this American English pronounciation, pronounce the schwa vowel sound. This vowel is always unstressed. The mouth position is a lot like the UH as in and usually is streesed. But just like that vowel, everything in your lips, jaw, and neck should be relaxed for this sound. The trick is to keep everything. Let’s look at the vowel up close and in own with the slightest jaw drop. But in actual words, you will likely see a bit ‘sofa’. Lips relaxed, cheeks relaxed, tongue forward and relaxed. As I said, this vowel can only be in an diphthong sounds can either be stressed or unstressed. So the schwa will always be really fast and low in pitch. Uh, uh. The schwa goes with the syllabic consonants L, M, N and R. That means followed by one of these consonants, you absorbed by the next sound. For example, the word ‘father’ just go from the TH sound right into the separate schwa.  Example: allow, extra, data, again, visa, about Source :  Rachel's English ...